module for one-way communication from RS232 to DMX512 bus with quad-driver DMX outputs. It uses the Crestron-ISC communication format, which allows module connection to chain with other Sator modules (due to configurable DMX channels count it is considered to be connected alone or at last module position).
Per-DMX512 module has input and output system port (COM0 a COM1) of RS232 type, allowing an interconnection the module with other Sator modules in chain, and 4 parallel outs of DMX bus (COM3-COM6) with smooth ramping to set value of DMX-chann during preset ramp-time. Each DMX output has its own hw driver, sending the same DMX data at all outputs.
Size: 3mod
Power supply: 12-24VDC, 100mA (typ. 40mA @24VDC) .. Ucc,GND
Syst. comunnication: RS232 (115200,8,N,1), Crestron-ISC format .. Rx0,Tx0,GND
Outs: DMX1-DMX4 –> COM3-COM6 .. Rx3,Tx3; Rx4,Tx4; Rx5,Tx5; Rx6,Tx6
Wiring DMX: pins Rx,Tx (GND) corresponds to DMX lines A,B (GND)
Parameters DMX: 250000,8,N,2 (as specification DMX; SPB = 200us, MAB= 50us)
Packet DMX: selectable length 32-350 channels, pakcet is transmitted continuously
-reacts to Ramptime change, and aim Val change as well
-indication LED: sending DMX packet, and at least 1 chann is non-zero value (eg. “something is on”)
-při změně dat se aktuální hodnota kanálu plynule mění až do cílové Val (ramping nájezdu na hodnotu)
-výpočet rampingu je celočíselný, takže doba dosažení cílové hodnoty oproti zadané se může mírně lišit, závisí na poměru Ramptime a počtu kroků nájezdu na Val (zbytku po celočíselném dělení)
-values of Val of DMX channels are range of 0-65535 (at DMX is being sent Hi-Byte of Val)
-after module reset is set for all chann. Ramptime=3sec and Val=0
-outs DMX1-DMX4 sends at one moment the same DMX data
format Crestron ISC
-ana_1: number chann/bytes at DMX packet, set imediatelly, def.32ch, write to EEPROM
-ana_2: All-ch-value (immediate set all channels to value, Hi-Byte of Val 0-65535)
then next couple of signals:
-ana_3: Ramptime of dmx ch.1 (0-65535 relates to 0-6553.5sec), eg. ramptime to aim value
-ana_4: Aim Val of dmx chann.1 (Hi-Byte of Val 0-65535, DMX resolution is 0-255 step)
-ana_5: Ramptime of dmx ch.2
-ana_6: Aim Val dmx ch.2
etc. up to max. 350 chann.