12-channels 16bit resolution PWM dimmer module for 12 LED or 4 RGB-LED strips, with 4 digital inputs and 4 digital outputs; Crestron-ISC communication allowing an interconnection with other Sator modules.
Per-pwm12 module has input and output system port (COM0 a COM1) of RS232 type, allowing an interconnection the module with other Sator modules in chain, and 4 digital inputs, 4 digital outputs, and 12 channels PWM dimmer for LED strips (common anode/+power). LED +U rail requires external 12-24VDC power supply.
PWM dimming of each channel is 16bit resolution (65535 steps) with smooth ramping to set level, common ramp time for all channels is selectable 0.1-6553.5s; universal digital inputs and outputs has no galvanical insulation; inp1 also switches all PWM channels on/off with current ramptime (used for emergency lighs, or LED check while installing).
Size: 6mod
Poer supply: 12-24VDC, 100mA (typ. 15mA @24VDC)
Syst. communication: RS232 (115200,8,N,1), Crestron-ISC format, output response time <500us
Inputs: triggering to GND, active input current: 1mA @5VDC TTL, reading input cycle: 80ms (sw contact debouunce)
Digital outputs: open collector, switches load to GND, one output max. current: 100mA @+U
PWM outputs: one output max. current 5A @24V, total current max. 30A
PWM dimming: resolution 16bit @122Hz, smooth ramping to set value, ramp time 0.1-6553.5s saved at EEPROM, default 3sec.
programmer’s model
(in/out signals description)