
module IO 16in/16out with galvanical insulation at DIN enclosure, Crestron-ISC communication allowing an interconnection with other Sator modules.



Modul Per-diom16 module has input and output system port (COM0 a COM1) of RS232 type, allowing an interconnection the module with other Sator modules in chain, and 16 digital galvanicaly insulated inputs, 16 digital galvanically insulated outputs (enabling direct connection of 24VDC relays).
System power supply and GND terminal  are separated from external power supply I/O pins; if insulation not needed, it is possible to tie +Ucc/+U and GND/COM terminals.

Size: 6mod
Power supply: 12-24VDC, 100mA (typ. 15mA @24VDC)
Syst. communication: RS232 (115200,8,N,1), Crestron-ISC format, output response time <450us
Inputs: triggering to COM, active input current: 2.5mA @24VDC, reading input cycle: 40ms (sw contact debouunce)
Outputs: switches load to COM, one output max. current: 100mA @+U


programmer’s model
(in/out signals description)